Click to view the print!


We're halfway through 2022 and this year has been so much fun so far! I'm doing an event during the month of June - A COMMISSION GIVEAWAY! If you'd like to enter, head to Twitter or Instagram and give me a follow and post using the hashtag #COWBOYJUNE2022 and you'll be entered to win a commission!

Just wanted to say thanks to everyone for the ongoing support! You guys mean the world to me <3


Click to view the print!

P O P U L A R ~ P R I N T S



Some of my widely used brushes now collected in one place for you to download and use yourself!

The link is through dropbox. To install, go to your ipad or iphone and download the link through your browser, then when it asks where you want to open, click Procreate or Pocket and it will automatically load it into your brushset! It's called "Lizzie's Main Brushset"!

NOTE: It will open in Google Drive and say "Unsupported File Type" but if you go ahead and download it, it will automatically port it to Procreate! Feel free to message me if you have any trouble!

Have fun and tag me if you use them!! <3
